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N. Government Way and Hayden Avenue


CIty Hall

Parking Lot



Parking Lot


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Public Sewer TIF

N. Government Way and Hayden Avenue--Brownfield Site

In 2015, the Hayden Urban Renewal Agency purchased three properties located at the corner of Government Way and Hayden Avenue for the express purpose of removing blighted structures and rehabilitation of brownfield property.  The structures on the properties were demolished and the soils are currently in the process of being remediated.   Applications have been submitted for IDEQ's Voluntary Remediation Program and Brownfield Assessment Program. The Board plans to resell this property as a clean site with requirements related to development and design standards.

City Hall Parking Lot Project

In 2014, the City of Hayden and the Hayden Urban Renewal Agency entered into a long-term lease agreement allowing the City to continue to use the HURA owned properties located to the north of City Hall for public parking and providing for redevelopment of the parking lot by HURA.  The construction project is now complete. Highlights of the project are innovative stormwater design, educational public art, boat and trailer parking, and most importantly, provision of public parking to facilitate the ongoing growth and development of our downtown business district.  Under City Code, downtown businesses are allowed to provide a reduced number of parking spaces if public parking is located nearby.  This allows for affordability in redevelopment, more compact urban form, and safe and attractive public spaces.

Capone's Parking Lot

In 2013, the Hayden Urban Renewal Agency purchased property containing a delapidated fueling station and entered into an agreement with Capone's Pub and Grill to redevelop this strategic corner in the City's downtown.  This project provided for much needed remediation of a nuisance property and provided additional parking for patrons of Capone's.  Additionally, a portion of the site remains available for parking access by the public, all in an effort to assist with an overall downtown parking strategy which facilitates business redevelopment within the Hayden Central Business District.

H-6 Public Sewer
Tax Increment Financing Agreement

In July of 2015, the Hayden Urban Renewal Agency approved an Owner Participation Agreement to reimburse a property owner using tax increment monies for up to $430,000 for the construction of a 24" sewer line which provides sewer service to large, industrially zoned properties located north of of Hayden.  This is an important project for economic development as the area is currently without sewer service and the City has been working on strategic ways for development to move forward without the $10 million plus cost of full service for the area.  This project, partnered with the recent capacity improvements on Honeysuckle Avenue and Reed Road, will allow for a temporary basin transfer of sewer into a developed basin that will kickstart development in the industrially zoned lands to the north.  The cost of the combined projects is around $1.2 million.

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